Good security practices

Accounts and Users

Use secure passwords

We check to ensure that passwords meet certain requirements, but you should ensure you're not re-using passwords from other websites.

We can't guarantee every single Saturn installation is 100% secure, so protect yourself and use a unique password.

Code and Plugins


Only download plugins from the Saturn Marketplace.

We scan all plugins on the Marketplace to check for malicious code, whilst we can't guarantee every plugin is 100% secure, we try our best to keep any bad code out.

Don't load plugins from unknown sources or authors.

These plugins could contain malicious code, intended to hack your Saturn installation. Plugins can contain PHP and Javascript code which can send database requests, API calls, and more.

JavaScript Console

Only use the console if you know what you're doing.

Don't paste code from the internet, or if someone tells you to. This may be a form of attack called a Self-XSS attack. For more information please visit

Last updated