Cross-site Request Forgery

About CSRF Attacks

Cross-site Request Forgery (CSRF) is a type of malicious exploit of a web application where unauthorized commands are submitted from a user that the the web application trusts.

Wikipedia (

This type of attack is not limited to Saturn, but it is possible unless steps are taken to prevent it.

Preventing CSRF Attacks

    use Saturn\SecurityManager\CSRF
    $CSRF = new CSRF();
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="<?= SATURN_LANGUAGE; ?>">
        <title>Login form</title>
        <form action="login.php' method="POST">
            <?php $CSRF->Set(); ?>
use Saturn\SecurityManager\CSRF
$CSRF = new CSRF();

if ($CSRF->Check()) {
    // It's safe to proceed.
} else {
    // Possible CSRF attack!

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